Sunday, September 25, 2011

My kid is a genius, part 23

"Trust me, kid. I'm from the future."

About three months ago, Max latched onto the concepts of "happy" and "sad." He wants everyone to be happy. If you don't seem happy, he will point to you and exclaim, "BE HAPPY!"But happy is as happy does. If he's crying for any reason, whether he's really hurt himself or just frustrated that we won't give him candy, he quickly gets to the root of the emotional problem:

"Boo hoo, I want candy, boo hoo, I want candy, boo hooooo, I WANT TO BE HAPPY, I WANT TO BE HAPPY!"

"Okay," we tell him at times like this. "Be happy!"

And he will put on a strained smile, tears still streaming down his cheeks, and then… he's done. Problem solved! No more crying, he's ready to move on.

Is this something all kids do, or am I raising a prophet of the new tao?